Wednesday 31 October 2012

19. Vicky

Hello everyone ! ~~ ヾ(^∇^)
This is Moony from Oishii Mini Cherries !
Quick update before Sandy come here.. T__T
Even if it will be really smaller than in the USA, I’m scared.
I really hate natural disaster.. (ノдヽ)
I hope everyone everywhere is safe ! Take care of yourself and your friends and family <33
I’m sorry for those who has lost a lot in this disaster, I would love to could do something for you, seriously ! (●´・д・`●)
Today, I had a presentation oral in spanish. When the teacher said my name to go to the front, my friend tell me : « Gambatte ! » I was all disturbed. I’M LEARNING TOO MUCH LANGUAGE. D : I love every of them though ! English is like.. The most useful thing ever, japanese is my dream language to speak and spanish is super easy because it’s so much like french ! My oral didn’t go so well, so I’m a bit sad ! I forgot a lot of my text, and it’s almost never happened to me, so it makes me more nervous ! (*ノωノ)
Tonight, it was the Courage’s Test at my anime/manga/japan club ! It was so funny.. I was a killer, so I needed to kill other people by remove a card they had in the back. And I was wearing my little girl ghost costume ! My friend had find me really scary ! ^__^ It makes me happy, because some other costume was WAYYY more scarier than mine, but I had a really scary way to walk and to look at people, so it makes me really more scary ! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
And I have finally finish my big big big works for school ! ~~ YEAAH !  ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I’m so tired, I’m gonna go sleep ! (。-ω-)zzz
Have a good day tomorrow, and take care of yourself !
Vicky ! ☆彡

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