Thursday 23 August 2012

10. Vicky

Hello everyooone ~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
It’s just a quick updated !
I have so much things to say to all of you ! But gniaaah. I have no time these days. o(≧σ≦)o
School start today, already. ( TДT)
And I pass at T.V. because they were doing some interviews about the upcoming elections.. But there is only my friend speaking, fiouuu ~ ε-(´・`)
And we have a contract with my theater troup and we are doing clowns at the Attraction Park near my house ~  (⌒▽⌒)☆
It finished sunday, but I have only one more shift, friday !
But I’m working at McDonalds tuesday, and thursday, we do a Leucan there ( people shave their heads to raise funds for cancer ) so I propose myself as a benevole for the activity !  (((o(*゜▽゜*)o)))
So I have a very busy week !  O(≧∇≦)O
I will tell you everything this week-end !  *(*´∀`*)☆
I love you all ! <3
It was Vicky !